Category Archives: Yarn Stuff

Camo Color Change Hat (loom knitting)

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Camo Color Change Hat (loom knitting)

I wanted to make a hat with some color to practice loom knitted color changes. I asked my husband what he wanted, and he chose the camo colors and wanted a fold-over brim. I used all 64 pegs on the 1/2” Universal Hat & Scarf Loom to make this hat.

I did a k2 p2 rib brim before starting on my camo stitch pattern. All of my knit stitches used the u-wrap stitch, and the stitch pattern included slip stitches.

Valentine’s Day Loom Splurge

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I’m treating myself to looms for Valentine’s day. Yes, myself. I am my own admirer. 😉 Because I love to knit socks, I went with the FG1 76 peg loom and 7-peg end pairs. I almost went with the EFG0, but it’s so similar to my KB EFG that I didn’t think that it was worth the investment (yet). And for the more… Read more »

Hello world!

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